A simple overview and obserbation on UN avoiding the details- part(1 of 1)
- Functions of UN
- Organizations of UN
- Official Languages of UN-
UN -United Nations. or
UNO-United Nations Organization.
Its an international organization.Its member is the 192 states in this world.That is all the sovereign states are its member.
Functions- UN maintains and organize the following co-operations among its member countries-
- International Law
- International Security
- Economic Developement.
- Social Progress.
- Human Rights
- Social Progress
- The general Assembly(The main deliberative assembly)
- The Security Council
- The Economis or Social Council.
- The secretariat
- The International Court of Justice
- WHO(the World Health Organization).
- WFP(the World Food Programme)
- UNICEF(the United Nations Children Fund) .
Funding- Voluntary or assessed contributions from the member countries.
Six official languages-
- Arabic
- Chinese
- French
- English
- Russian
- Spanish