Well it is possible to earn money online.Milions of real people are earning working on internet.Why can't you.But one thing must be clear,there is no easy money.You have to work hard and then you will be paid-a good amount.
There are two basic ways to earn through internet-
- Maintain a website.Some company will publish add in your site and pay you according to your website popularity and their policy plus package.
- Work as a freelancer.Companies or individual will hire you.Complete their job,satisfy them-they will pay you and you will get more jobs to do.
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1. Maintain a website.Make it rich with popular contents.Then Some company will make advertisement in your website.The more people visit to your website ,the more your income will be.You can make some serious money from your website,when it becomes more popular.Can earn over 5000$(dollar permonth.
Google adsense,pay per post,review me,adbrite are options to make advertisement on your website.Among this-Google adsense is easy and reliable as it provides by Google.I will write details about adsense,payper post.
2.Work as a freelancer-That is If you are an expert of anything,then people will hire you.You dont have go anywhere,You can work for companies or individual persons in around the world staying at home and get paid..
You must be thinking that,"How can I find my clients that will hire me and pay me?".Well there are some reliable websites can make contact between you and your client.When you get paid,the websites will charge small percentage of your payment.And your payment is secured by these Websites authority.
This is some list of this type of website- www.rentacoder.com ,www.getacoder.com, www.getafreelancer.com, www.odesk.com .And you can find lots of more reliable website.But this few website I personally checked and know some people that get paid working with them.
Now the main point-what sorts of work do you have to do? There lots of category of work-web developement,programming in different language,simple writing jobs,data entry jobs,article writings-and lots more.Recently I checked in www.odesk.com I found that they have 16000 jobs waiting.Keep in mind that,each website has different rules and management.
( I hope to write details about this website later.)
Now the Payment Method- You can receive money staying at home from anyplace in the world.There are lots of options to receive money.These options are paypal,alertpay,western union,or a simple cheqye can be drafted to you bank account.Check around for whether these services are available in your region.