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Saturday, January 9, 2010

Write and Send Email in your own language.(In bangla,Arabic-----)

   I found this and was so much relieved of .Writing and publishing unicode bangla in websites are so much painfull before.Not much quality programs available.My only option was "Avro keyboard".But it has some bugs.
   In GMAIL you can write and send mail in your language phonetically.

To enable this option or transliteration, follow these steps:
Click the Settings link in Gmail.
On the General tab, select the checkbox next to 'Enable Transliteration.' If you don't see this option, click the Show all language options link first.
Select the language you'd like your messages to be written in from the drop-down menu.

Click Save Changes.

now Hit the compose mail button.

You have to click on the language tab as circled red in image.Now type any word then hit space -just watch the magic.If you type amar  and press space button then the output will be  আমার .
This phonetic provided by Gmail is so flexible and easy to use.To write in English Press (ctrl+g) to toogle between.